Working for the workers of America

Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers  & Grain Millers Local #26 






January 16th, 2025


King Soopers Retail Bakers and Decorators


My fellow Brothers and Sisters,


I wanted to update you on the ongoing negotiations with King Soopers after this past meeting on Tuesday January 14th, 2025. We were able to reach some tentative agreements on proposals. We were given some economic proposals that the committee is reviewing and will present our counters at the next meeting. We are not preparing to strike at this time while we still negotiate in good faith. The membership voted to strike on January 4th and 6th. I will notify you if any strike action will be taken by BCTGM Local #26. The committee is working diligently to negotiate a fair and strong contract. We have proposals to address issues with the Bakery of the Future along with the gourmet cake cases. We are also looking to protect your rights to select a shift. The committee strongly agrees that your job duties remain within our Union. We still have several proposals that will be addressed and will negotiate in good faith until we have a new cba to bring to you to vote on or take action against the company. We are in the process of scheduling dates for the next round of negotiations. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me via email, phone call or text me at 303-947-3552.






Clifton Horton

President/Business Manager

BCTGM Local # 26

(o) 303-458-0621 Ext 04

(c) 303-947-3552

(e) chorton.bctgmlocal#26



If you are interested in forming a Union Please contact us at 303-458-0621 and ask for Clifton Horton or Drew Buchholz. We would Like to assit you. "Union Workers on average make 18 percent more than thier non union counter parts" based on a report from US bureau of Labor Statistics on Union Membership.


Clifton Horton-

President/ BCTGM Local #26

303-458-0621 Ext 4

If you are looking for your CBA please click on the contracts tab.

Contact Us Today!

BCTGM Local#26
925 S Niagara ST Suite 380
BCTGM Local #26Denver, Colorado 80224

1 303 458 06211 303 458 0621



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